
kostas31's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 781 (From 80 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 8,540 Points

Mecha Dress Up Game

Medals Earned: 2/8 (20/200 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

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Secret Medal ????? Points

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Mecha 1 50 Points

Build the robot from Brawl Royale.

Mecha 2 50 Points

Build the robot from Epic 1.

Mecha 3 50 Points

Build the robot from Epic 2.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mine Blocks

Medals Earned: 11/51 (60/510 points)

Crafting Table 5 Points

Enlarges the crafting area

Eat Food 5 Points

Say "omnomnom" while you do that!

Kill a Nethereye 5 Points

They pretty much will freak you out until you do anyway

Kill a Sheep 5 Points

Bahhh! They drop wool.

Kill a Spider 5 Points

They can climb walls

Kill a Zombie 5 Points

Careful though - you might need a sword

Mine Wood 5 Points

Wood is used in the most important crafting recipes!

Open Inventory 5 Points

You can craft or see your items in Mine Blocks.

Place Block 5 Points

Now you can build things

Stone Pickaxe 5 Points

With this, you can also mine iron and make an iron pickaxe!

Kill an Enderman 10 Points

They teleport, are fast, and do a lot of damage. Good luck!

Blacksmith 5 Points

Use an anvil!

Breed Two Animals 5 Points

Feed two animals food to make a baby!

Brew a Potion 5 Points

Use the potion stand to make a potion!

Enchant an Item 5 Points

Use an enchantment table!

Fire a Bow 5 Points

This is much cooler than using a sword!

Fish a Fish 5 Points

Catch a fish with a fishing rod!

Furnace 5 Points

Furnaces will burn and smelt items

Grow Tree 5 Points

They're a renewable resource.

Grow Wheat 5 Points

Next up, carrots and potatoes!

Iron Ingot 5 Points

Use a furnace, coal, and iron ore to make iron ingots!

Iron Pickaxe 5 Points

You can now mine diamonds... sparkle sparkle!

Kill a Blaze 5 Points

They will shoot fireballs at you like crazy!

Kill a Cow 5 Points

Leather can be made into the first tier of armor

Kill a Creeper 5 Points

They explode if you fail!

Kill a Flaming Chicken 5 Points

Nothing's worse than a chicken with attitude.

Kill a Magma Cube 5 Points

But they're so warm and cuddly!

Kill a Pig 5 Points

Pigs drop pork, and you eat pork to live

Kill a Skeleton 5 Points

They will shoot arrows at you if you don't

Kill a Slime 5 Points

Just make sure to wash you hands after!

Kill a Zombie Pigman 5 Points

They typically attack in groups!

Open Door with Wiring 5 Points

Open a door with redstone or a pressure plate!

Return to Sender 5 Points

Reflect a ghast's fireball back at itself!

Tame a Dog 5 Points

They'll be your best friends in the world!

Teleport 5 Points

Use an enderpearl to teleport!

Torches 5 Points

Torches will light up the dark

Use a Bed 5 Points

Sleep is time travel!

Wooden Pickaxe 5 Points

Use this to mine stone and coal

Go to the Nether 10 Points

Just a'nether thing to do!

Make Cake 10 Points

I'm not lying!

Make Portal Stone 10 Points

The next step is going to the nether

Mine Diamonds 10 Points

You can't be much fancier than a diamond pickaxe!

Mine Gold 10 Points

It's a pretty fancy ore!

Mine Obsidian 10 Points

Mix water into pure lava!

Unlock Ender Portal 10 Points

Interstellar warping may occur.

Slay the Ender Dragon 100 Points

Congratulations! You beat the first boss in Mine Blocks!

Scavenge 7 Items 5 Points

Find 7 of the items in Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenge 8 Items 10 Points

Find 8 of the items in Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenge 9 Items 25 Points

Find 9 of the items in Scavenger Hunt!

Become a True Scavenger 100 Points

Find all 10 items in Scavenger Hunt! Amazing!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 6/16 (135/490 points)

dasherkiller 5 Points

kill 50 dashers

gliderkiller 5 Points

kill 50 gliders

pilotfirstclass 5 Points

Score 5000 points in survival

dasherdestroyer 10 Points

kill 500 dashers

pilotsecondclass 10 Points

Score 20000 points in survival

pilotthirdclass 100 Points

Score 50000 points in survival

beekeeperkiller 5 Points

kill 50 beekeepers

carrierkiller 5 Points

kill 25 carriers

beekeeperdestroyer 10 Points

kill 500 beekeepers

gliderdestroyer 10 Points

kill 500 gliders

carrierdestroyer 25 Points

kill 200 carriers

dashermaster 25 Points

kill 2000 dashers

glidermaster 25 Points

kill 2000 gliders

beekeepermaster 50 Points

kill 2000 beekeepers

carriermaster 100 Points

kill 500 carriers

saviour 100 Points

Complete the 10 levels in the Campaign

Monster Arena

Medals Earned: 2/4 (10/160 points)

First Step 5 Points

Reach level 2 [easy]

Trained 5 Points

First time training

Master Arena 50 Points

Beat Draiga

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Mouse Clckr

Medals Earned: 2/5 (15/90 points)

Epic background! 5 Points

Unlock the first background

More Clicks! 10 Points

Unlock a new mouse

Legendary! 25 Points

Unlock a legendary mouse upgrade

Mt. Fuji 25 Points

Unlock the fuji backgroud

Really legendary 25 Points

Buy a legendary autoclick


Medals Earned: 2/2 (15/15 points)

Something's Not right here... 5 Points

You can now move left...

The End 10 Points

You got to the end. Well done.

PewDiePie Adventures

Medals Earned: 3/10 (15/240 points)

Chop Chop Chop 5 Points

Try to play the game in Chopnese.

My Name is PewDiePiiiie 5 Points

Visit PewDiePie's channel.

The Plot Thickens 5 Points

Reach the first cutscene.

Go Barbie Go 10 Points

Beat the Barbie level.

Girly Hero 25 Points

Beat the game and save Marzia!

Stupid Rock 25 Points

Defeat the first boss.

More Evil Than Barrels 50 Points

Defeat the second boss.

Heart of Iron 100 Points

Beat the game in under 6 minutes.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pico Radio

Medals Earned: 1/18 (5/90 points)

This is a TEST! 5 Points


Art Lover 5 Points

Go to arts NG page!

B 5 Points


Bitches Love Poundcake 5 Points

Would anyone like some pound cake?

DeathInk Lover 5 Points

Go to Authors NG page!

Emrox's Picks 5 Points

Listen to Emrox's favorite NG music

Keeping a promise 5 Points

I kept mine, here is a little something for keeping yours!

LazyMuffin LP 5 Points

LazyMuffin plays the hits!

Mother Lover 5 Points

Click the Newgrounds link. CLICK IT!!!!!

Music Lover 5 Points

Go to songs NG page!

Radio Lover 5 Points

If you love this Radio, you will get this medal.

Seraph's Picks 5 Points

Listen to FightingSeraph's favorite NG musicians

Sexual-Lobster LP 5 Points

Gaze into my chocolate eyes...

Spooktober 5 Points

Lister to the spooktober update!

Super Meat Boy 5 Points


The 100 5 Points

100 down

The People's Pico 5 Points

Let them shuffle tracks!

TOM 5 Points

It rhymes with bomb!

Pico's School

Medals Earned: 5/7 (210/260 points)

Save the Day 100 Points

Well aren't you a fucking hero?!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pico's School 2

Medals Earned: 3/3 (150/150 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!