I thought this was some 2002 shit but its 2011?
Jesus fuck you are awful
I thought this was some 2002 shit but its 2011?
Jesus fuck you are awful
The fuck is this
How to listen to the audio portal faster
That one game made by eggy but you can share levels...meh, not really into the peaceful setting
im too used to the nes fixed controls rather than this...so i fuckingsuck, is what im trying to say here
Pfft, my asian friend can do this blindfolded
Alright for anyone struggling with the internet explorer 8 achievement...well i wont completely spoil i but remember to start with a cap letter...
Cheap cpu
The only sad thing is that you cant pick up guns and that this is too good to not continue.
nothing kek
Age 22, Male
Basement Dweller
Universe/ Earth
Joined on 3/13/14